Saturday, 14 January 2012

Mission not accomplished

Yesterday, as you may already know, we went to Lucian Freud's portrait exhibition at the National Portrait Gallery. Unfortunately, we didn't succeed at it - no Lucian Freud for the Bubbly Girl -, because it had already sold out. Grrrrh!

The good thing is that we are actually considering to apply for the membership at the NPG. Just think with me: two tickets for a paid exhibition will always be around 28£; two subscriptions for a one-year membership are 70£. We are very likely to spend more than that in the next half a year, if going to all the paid exhibitions - so, there is absolutely no point in saving money temporarily, if we're going to spend much more than that after a year of cultural awareness.

The other piece of news I have for you kind of make me feel sad: one of the couples living with us in London is permanently moving to Portugal. The fact is that they were never truly happy here or, at least, not as happy as they would have been if they lived in Portugal for the time being. Above all, I agree one must be, where one is happy, and although I'm not entirely glad with it, all I wish for them is the best. "Here or there, I know you will be successful. After all, you're a part of our amazing Londoner family!"

Finally, it won't be today that I will share with you the biggest news and huge surprise that has recently occurred in my life - it has been a surprise for me as well -, but since I'm SOOOOO COOOOL, I will give you a tiny clue of what it is all about (the photo shown below). We'll see if you can guess. GOOD LUCK!


A Menina dos Óculos
The Bubbly Girl in Glasses

Friday, 13 January 2012

London's night out

Last Saturday night, me and Mr. Bubbly went to a sort of pub called Royal Oak with a couple of friends. It is one of our favourite spots in Clapham - it has that retro look and the music is usually great for dancing. That night we were privileged enough to watch what I like to call: "Saturday night quest of a British bachelor: sex hunting" - doesn't matter if she's fat, drunk or looks like a zombie; the objective is clear and leaves no questions: SEX.

So there was this young bachelor, a very British macho man and a complete idiot. He actually attempted to hit on me, when he caught me alone and vulnerable (so he thought, poor guy), by inviting me to sit next to him and was about to start a very philosophical conversation on the "state of the XXI century society" - nop, not really to be honest. Anyway, he wasn't that lucky with me and I politely - as far as possible in this sort of thing - ran the hell out of there moved away. Some minutes later, we all sat at a different table but were able to watch this young male's behaviour. And this is the bad news: he started hitting on a drunk (drunk kind of zombie) girl and also invited her to sit at his table, so this is his thing; I'm not special after all - baaaah! The good news is: it was freaking hilarious! The guy managed to hit on three different girls in the same little space (the dance floor, where the girls could actually keep eye contact), kissed one of those and got her phone number, and went home with one of the others. This guy is an expert, a master, I'd say, a Sir on ladies matters! Men of the world, you should worship him! And to pay him homage, just for him, here's a very special song. This song:

That day I was wearing a velvet black dress, which you have already seen here, and an old golden/creme gillet that I simply adooooore! Check out the photos after the Portuguese translation.

No Sábado à noite eu e o Mr. Bubbly fomos a uma espécie de pub chamado Royal Oak com dois amigos. Este é um dos nossos locais preferidos aqui em Clapham, com o seu aspecto retro e a sua música muito dançável. Neste noite fomos suficientemente privilegiados para assistir a algo a que gosto de chamar: " Busca de Sábado à noite de um very British macho man: à caça de sexo" - não há cá esquisitices, a vítima pode ser gorda, estar bêbeda ou, até, ser mesmo um zombie.

Ora bem, pois fiquem a saber, caros BB, que o dito macho man, um idiota chapado, tentou fazer-se a mim desinibidamente - ah, pois! -, obrigando-me a convidando-me para sentar ao lado dele na mesa e estava já todo empenhado em dar início a uma conversa muito filosófica acerca do estado da sociedade no século XXI - ou talvez não fosse bem isso, vá, não sei! O moço não teve grande sorte e lá o despachei educadamente. Dali a uns minutitos, lá arranjámos uma mesa  ali ao lado e ficámos a observar o jovem macho em plena acção. E agora vêm as más notícias:  o tipo começou a dar em cima de uma miúda, vá, com um nível de alcoolemia muito, mas muito mesmo, acima do permitido por lei (uma bêbeda tipo zombie, digamos) e também a convidou para se sentar com ele na mesa, ou seja, esta cena de convidar pa sentar e blá blá blá é recorrente - afinal não sou especial, bah! A boa notícia é que foi de partir a rir! Ele deu em cima de 3 miúdas, todas no mesmo espaço (que era pequeno), conseguiu um beijo e número de telemóvel de uma e ainda foi para casa com a outra. Amigos, estamos perante um expert no assunto, um Senhor, isso sim! E para ele, para lhe prestar homenagem, proponho uma canção. Esta canção:

Quanto ao outfit, quase me esquecia, neste dia escolhi um vestido de veludo que também podem ver aqui e um colete dourado antigo que eu adoooorooo.

wearing Topshop velvet dress, Dorothy Perkins shoes, old Zara gillet, 
Breil Milano watch, vintage earrings



A Menina dos Óculos
The Bubbly Girl in Glasses

Monday, 9 January 2012

velvet & bows @ the tube station

I've always been fascinated with bows and ribbons, what can I do?!

Sometimes I simply opt for girly girl looks, others I just go with the flow and mix some styles. Most of you will probably hate this look and say: "God, is she smoking weed?!" and the answer is "No!", I'm just feeling confident enough (be scaaaareeeed, guys!) to go for a more creative view when it comes to fashion. So, why not?! Mix soft velvet, with bows, some old biker boots and a tunic and this is the result. Hope you like the post!

Sempre fui fascinada por laços e fitas,
que posso fazer?!

Às vezes opto pelos looks super-femininos; outras vou na onda e mistura alguns estilos, só porque sim. A maior parte de vocês vai detestar o look e dizer: "Minha nossa, que lhe deu na cabecinha? Terá andado a fumar erva?" e a resposta é: "Não!", estou só a sentir-me suficientemente confiante (tenham meeeedoooo) para dar largas à minha criatividade no que toca a moda. Mas então, porque não? Mistura-se veludo do fofinho, com laços, umas biker boots velhas, e uma túnica e este é o resultado. Espero que gostem do post! 

wearing old Morgan de Toi jacket, Primark boots (old) and over-the-knee bow socks, Bimba y Lola cross-shoulder bag and ring, Topshop velvet dress, 
American Apparel tunic, Urban Outfitters and Eugénio Campos bracelets, Casio watch


A Menina dos Óculos
The Bubbly Girl in Glasses

Wednesday, 4 January 2012

Spent all day...

...looking for London football clubs' email addresses to help Mr. Bubbly in his job research. We'll see if my effort will be worth it. He would definitely look very good has a Premier League Coach, wouldn't he?:) Well, to start with, he looks great in a suit and tie. That's a good start.:) Fingers crossed for you! You're the most talented person I know and deserve only the best.

Passei o dia todo...
...a procurar os endereços de email dos clubes de futebol de Londres para ajudar o Mr. Bubbly na sua pesquisa de trabalho. Veremos se o meu esforço vai valer a pena. Ele daria um óptimo treinador de Premier League , não acham? Bem, para começar, já fica muito bem de fato e gravata. É um bom começo, não?:) Boa sorte, Mr. Bubbly! Que corra tudo bem, és a pessoa mais talentosa que conheço!


A Menina dos Óculos
The Bubbly Girl in Glasses

black leather & pink

Yesterday I was looking at some of my photos and figured out there are some cute looks I didn't manage to publish on my blog. Sometimes I simply couldn't find enough time for it or didn't have my laptop around so I would just skip this or that post. Today I will start a new topic on my blog: "past looks". The one I chose for today is a night outfit I wore last year during a short trip to Oporto with Mr. Bubbly. It's simple and comfortable and I like to think it is still classy and elegant. The combo "jumpsuit"/"black perfecto" worked really well with the camel high-heel shoes.

Ontem estava a passar os olhos por algumas fotos antigas e apercebi-me que tinha algumas de looks giros que ainda não tinha conseguido publicar no meu blogue. Às vezes, simplesmente não tinha tempo para isso ou não tinha o portátil por perto e a a oportunidade escapava-me. Hoje começo então um novo tópico/etiqueta no blogue: "looks do passado". O look que escolhi para hoje foi um outfit para a noite que usei no ano passado numa das minhas escapadelas ao Porto com o Mr. Bubbly. É simples e comfortável e, gosto de pensar, mesmo assim, com classe e elegante. A combinação jumpsuit/perfecto preto funcionou muito bem com os sapatos de salto em tom camel.

wearing DECENIO (SS 2011) jumpsuit, H&M hihg heels and Perfecto,
ZARA nude clutch, Massimo Dutti (very old) necklace, Michael Kors watch, 
Shiseido Pink 331 lipstick, DIOR Nirvana nailpolish


A Menina dos Óculos
The Bubbly Girl in Glasses

preview of tomorrow's post (5)

...the first of some last year looks I didn't manage to post...

Nighty night, Bubbly Buddies!

A Menina dos Óculos
The Bubbly Girl in Glasses

Tuesday, 3 January 2012

skulls strolling in London...

Yesterday London was incredibly sunny. So sunny, it looked like it wasn't London. However, and unfortunately, sun doesn't necessarily mean warm weather around here - actually it was quite cold. Even so, we decided to go for one of our favourite routes in London: it starts in Covent Garden (where else could it start other than Covent Garden, my fav spot, right?) and continues to Leicester Square, Piccadilly, Regent Street, Oxford Street/Bond Street/... - yeah, yeah, quite typical!:) We took some photos in the way. Hope you enjoy them!

Ontem o sol estava resplandecente em Londres. A presença do sol era tão evidente que mais parecia que não estava em Londres. Contudo, e infelizmente, por cá, sol não significa necessariamente calor - na verdade estava um dia de enregelar. Mesmo assim, nós decidimos fazer uma das nossas rotas preferidas cá em Londres: começa em Covent Garden (onde mais poderia começar, senão no meu sítio preferido de Londres?!) e continua por Leicester Square, Piccadilly, Regent Street, Oxford Street/Bond Street/... - sim, sim, é uma rota muito popular!:) Tirámos algumas fotografias no caminho. Espero que gostem!

wearing: (old) ZARA skirt, (old) Mango shoes,
TOPSHOP skull sweater, bag and earrings, Casio gold retro watch,
Urban Outfitters and Eugénio Campos bracelets


A Menina dos Óculos
The Bubbly Girl in Glasses

preview of tomorrow's post (4)

Nighty night buddies!


A Menina dos Óculos
The Bubbly Girl in Glasses

Monday, 2 January 2012

stealing my boyfriend's clothes...

I am absolutely mad about oversized clothes. Which better way to find those than to sneakily visit our boyfriends' closets and borrow some of their shirts and sweaters?! Easy, ah?! And the best of it is that IT'S FOR FREE! :)

Eu sou totalmente louca por roupas tamanho XL (vá, no meu caso, basta um M masculino, que já fico tipo dentro de um saco de batatas). Que melhor maneira de encontrar estas peças do que visitar sorrateiramente os armários dos nossos namorados e "pedir emprestada" uma ou outra camisa ou, quiçá, uma camisolita? Fácil, não é?! E o melhor de tudo: É TUDINHO DE GRAÇA! :)


wearing: boyfriend's denim shirt, TOPSHOP leggings and satchel, American Apparel silver belt, "Love" necklace given by Mr. Bubbly and bought at a Japanese store in Notting Hill, Primark ring and (old) boots,  Eugénio Campos bracelets,
Nirvana DIOR nailpolish

Hope you like the look!


A Menina dos Óculos
The Bubbly Girl in Glasses

Sunday, 1 January 2012

in London again... and back to active daily blogging!

Hope you all enjoy a fantastic year 2012! 

I spent NYE at home in London with Mr. Bubbly and our Londoner family: our housemates. It was great: friends partying together and having just about the perfect wine and food! Midnight was spent at the Portuguese restaurant on the ground floor - we live on the first and second floors. For you, the pictures of my family in London: :) 

Em Londres de novo... e de novo ao activo no blogue!

Espero que tenham todos um ano 2012 fantástico!

Passei a véspera de Ano Novo em Londres com o Mr. Bubbly e a nossa família Londrina: os nossos companheiros de casa. Foi fabuloso: amigos a festejar juntos e a comer e beber até mais não. A meia-noite foi passada no restaurante português do rés-do-chão da nossa casa - nós moramos no 1º e 2º andares. Para vocês, as fotos da minha família em Londres: :)

(2010 f/w) DECENIO dress, Calzedonia lace tights,
Casio retro gold watch, YSL gold plated ring, Primark pink slippers

Beijinhos e até amanhã! Nighty night!

A Menina dos Óculos

The Bubbly Girl in Glasses